Thursday, May 22, 2014


On the road again...It's a rainy day here in PA .  Just had a severe thunderstorm but managed to get the truck packed.  Had a nice breakfast  of apple cinnamon oatmeal and scrambled eggs and ready to continue with the next phase trailer hook up.  The dogs are enjoying classical music after a nice long walk with their dad while I packed up the inside of the trailer. It is work but on a smaller scale and nowhere near what I have to do at home.

 I use  plastic tubs/ bins, to pack and unpack.   I get these usually  at Walmart. It makes it easier to carry to and from the house/trailer.  It also helps that the bathroom items are in small bins so when I want to  take the things to and from the trailer to house and vise versa it is easy to just pick up the bin and place it in the tub...Can you tell I'm a neat freak!  I don't leave my supplies in the trailer due to the temperature  changes, so it helps to have them in storage bins and containers for travelling which I then store at home in the cool basement ready to go for the next trip. 

 I realize on each trip that I want/need a few more conveniences and jot them down in my phone for the next time I'm out at the store. This trip  it is a second set of sheets for the bed and a tweezers...well you never know if you will have a serious urge to pluck an eye brow or get a splinter out.  A nail clipper would be good too for those OH, my I broke a nail moments ( hey all, hubby broke a nail this trip).

Well the sun is back out so I best sign off until next trip.  We will be headed to COATSVILLE, KOA Campground Coatsville PA /Phila .  This will be our first KOA, so I'm interested to check out this campground and weigh in.  From what I have read good reviews.  We are going to a CORGI PICNIC....yes you read correctly.  The ANNUAL  Philly Corgi Picnic.   Corgi's  (Corgi Picnic on YouTube)   and their canine sibs travel Down from Canada and up from FLA ( with their parental units of course)  to come to this yearly event...It is a lot of fun.  They have a silent auction to raise money for Corgi rescue, games and lots of food...The park is Hybernia Park Coatsville PA and it is beautiful .  Really looking forward to the event in June. 

Well gotta go HOMEWARD BOUND... this was our yearly maiden voyage, the first of many I hope...always seems too short when it comes time to leave.  TTFN

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